it's never the other person who gets taken in, it's always me
like i'm crazy for having emotions
like i'm the only one who fought
like i'm the only one who betrayed
like i'm the only one with a narrative
like i'm the only one with incongruence
like i'm the only one needing help
like i'm the only one needing change
like i'm the only one lacking peace
like i'm the only one lacking restraints
like i'm the only one in the room
like i'm the only one

there's a girl in the tower
with her hair hanging down
can you help her?

there's a girl in a well
with her hair hanging down
can you help her?

i color
i sing
i write
i cry and i cry

i'm sick of pretending
i'm entertaining myself

if i climb up there
and you climb down here
if we cut off our hair
and make one big long rope
wind it deosil
so we stay in this realm

will we meet in the middle
of thirteen heavy years
or in the dark
falsely alone

is there a room on the ground
where we can color
and sing
and write
and cry
and change
and fight
and change
and no one calls the cops on us
for having feelings
and not wanting to be touched
for one goddamn minute
out of your abundance of concern
for what i can't make clear
when words leave me
and enter my sister's mouth
where peace
and restraints
cease conflation
riddles and games
order the days
and we can say no
when we want to
we don't have meds to manage
and tidal waves to suppress
and fears to placate

i guess i just have to be careful
who i'm emotional around
let no one up the tower
let no one down the well
hold my hurts
close my heart
take my pills
cry alone
do what i have to
to go home
and color
and sing
and write
and cry and cry
and pretend
and entertain myself